When someone speaks of pool design, many would-be designers quickly come to mind resorts and health clubs. These aren’t exactly the best places to create the most desirable swimming pool designs. The reality is that designing a pool takes a lot more than simply sprinkling chemicals on it. To make a pool beautiful and serene, you must also consider landscaping, pool construction, pool accessories, pool heating and filtration, pool lighting and safety measures and so much more.

Swimming pool design normally refers to the artistic creation and layout of the various kinds of swimming pools: indoor ones, outdoor ones, lap pools, spas, and hot tubs, and spa pools. Though they might seem like something of a new invention, pools and all their variants are really an ancient art form. Back in the time of ancient Egypt, for instance, pools with a flowing water feature were discovered around the 2nd millennium B.C. and have been used ever since. The Egyptian spas were large and extremely well designed, often using hundreds of different statues and natural items to maximize the pool’s aesthetic appeal. The most famous of them are the Medallion of Luxor and the Luxor Temple, both of which used pools created from a combination of marble and fiberglass.
Fiberglass swimming pool designs have really grown in popularity and are now used for all kinds of in-ground swimming pools. Though this kind of pool design requires less maintenance than many other in-ground swimming pools, it still requires regular cleaning. It is important to hire Orange County Pool Service to ensure that you keep your pool clean and sanitized. If you’re not sure where to find one, then you can always ask around or search online for recommendations.
The one really cool-looking pool design that has recently hit the market is the Franzen Lap Pool. It is basically a freestanding, L-shaped swimming pool that is built out of wood. The name is taken from the company that developed the Jacuzzi. The Franzen Lap is extremely comfortable and luxurious, and they claim that it adds a relaxing five-star feeling to the user. A Franzen Lap pool can be built into a small log cabin if that is what the homeowner wants.
A great type of pool design that is becoming more popular among homeowners is the Hidden Paver Freeform Design. This is a type of freeform pool fence system that surrounds the entire pool, except for the center of the pool, which is left open. The system actually creates a sort of “canyons” of sorts around the pool, which means that swimmers have more space to swim in. The best part about this system is that it is completely hidden from view. In fact, you won’t see a thing; the fence is so thin that you will hardly even realize that it is there.
One of the most common pool designs available today is the lap pool. These are very nice because they give you a lot of room to swim in, but they are also very aesthetically pleasing. These types of freeform pools are usually square and shaped in the shape of a rectangle. You can even find them in many different sizes, depending on how much room you want or need. You will have to be very careful when trying to swim in these because they are very shallow and this could lead to serious injury if you don’t go to the edge to get yourself out.
If you have a larger yard, then you might want to look at installing a screened-in pool design. A screened-in pool can either be built separately or can be incorporated with the other types of freeform pools that are available. With a screened-in pool, you have a large portion of your yard that remains clear and open for you to swim in. These pools are usually square and you can choose the shape and size that you want. They do not require you to have a separate design because the entire pool is already shaped and designed for you. You simply add the screens over top of the pool and you have a very nice enclosed area for swimming.
If you want something very nice and elaborate then you should definitely take a look at the fiberglass pools. Fiberglass pools are designed so that the entire pool is made out of polyethylene fibers. The inside of the pool is made out of a vinyl liner, so you don’t have to worry about it being exposed to the elements like rain or sunlight. The only downside to having a fiberglass pool is that they are a bit more expensive than the other two options. However, they are so nice and durable that you really won’t mind paying a bit more money for them.